The PGD journalism students at the SSCMS will take five courses per term – three related to print/broadcast/new media journalism; one to politics, sports, issues, economics, science, media laws, and other so-called core subjects; and one to society and culture covering world’s major religions and cultures.

The fifth course, society and culture, is designed to provide students with the analytical understanding, historical knowledge and skills needed to cover religious and cultural groups in the modern world. Without attempting to be encyclopedic, the course intends to familiarize the students in major world religions and cultures; to demonstrate what is fascinating and intriguing about a religion without taking sides.


The second term too will have five courses, focusing more on deeper study and reflection; and more intense practice of the craft on a daily basis. The students will study more about image-making, perception-creating, and inferences. During the second term, the students will also get to focus more on computer-aided research, newswriting, reporting & editing for print, broadcast (radio & television) and the new media.

Students will plan, prepare and publish a newsweekly, the Dateline Bangalore; upload the same every Monday to, and present a daily ‘mock’ radio/television newscast. Students will be given professional coaching on voice modulation, anchoring, and panel-hosting for the electronic media while several editors/working journalists will help students with their basic writing and reading needs.

There will be a series of lectures through both terms covering business, finance, accounting, corporate financing, politics, government, interpreting economic data and trends, securities law, portfolio management, and science reporting.

The year-end PGD thesis, required of all students and guided by a faculty, will be a journalistic work of about 2,000 words, or a 7-minute television/radio documentary. The students will learn how to mix journalistic techniques with knowledge of a subject. The project will help students specialize in subjects that might eventually land them in specialised jobs, be it technology, medical, environmental, politics, or, crime reporting.

Our PGD graduates will be qualified to work as reporters covering foreign affairs, law, education, politics, investigative assignments, police, or as feature/editorial writers, or, technical writers.

The courses are co-taught by regular and visiting SSCMS faculty that include prominent working and retired journalists, and expert visitors/academics.

The PGD journalism programme focusses on skills needed for immediate employment in the print, broadcast, or new media. Emphasis is placed on practical, hands-on training where students work under severe deadline pressures and on-the-job conditions. Assignments are regularly monitored and project-work supervised, while students put in long working hours as a routine.

Break-down on detailed courses…

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