Veteran journalists with a vast array of experience and expertise in print, broadcast and new media journalism at the national and international levels run the postgraduate diploma programme faculty at the Sri Sri Centre for Media Studies. Regular and visiting faculty include prominent working journalists and local academics from diverse disciplines:
Radhakrishnan, Executive Director – Political/investigative reporting
A political/investigative journalist with more than 30 years’ experience in print/radio/television media in India, Canada, and the United States, Mr. Radhakrishnan brings a world of expertise and skills to the SSCMS. His last U.S. employer was the Los Angeles Times, one of the largest circulated dailies (1.6 million daily) where he was a special correspondent doing investigative stories.
The news organizations Mr. Radhakrishnan has worked or freelanced for include: the Riverside Press Enterprise, the San Bernardino Sun, both Southern California dailies; the CBC TV, Toronto & Winnipeg, Canada, where he was a journalist/associate producer with the award-winning current affairs show the 5th Estate; The Winnipeg Free Press, Western Canada’s most influential daily where he ran its city hall and legislature offices as bureau chief and investigative team leader; the Toronto Globe and Mail (as Hollywood correspondent); the Toronto Star (as Western Canada correspondent and senior reporter; yea, the same newspaper where Ernest Hemingway once worked as a reporter!); the Toronto Sun (reporter); the Calgary Sun (senior political/investigative reporter/feature writer/columnist, joined as a general reporter covering courts and cops); the Winnipeg Sun (legislature bureau chief, joined as a general reporter); the Ottawa parliamentary bureau of the Canadian Press (night editor and reporter, covered the 1979 federal general election; the South China Morning Post & the Standard, both of Hong Kong (as Canadian correspondent); the India Digest (editor), Toronto (as editor. The English news weekly was started during the Indian emergency); Kairali (executive producer of the first Malayalam radio magazine show in North America, started in Toronto in 1977).
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Francois Gautier, visiting dean – Current Affairs
Mr. Francois Gautier, a French journalist and writer, has been living in India for more than 33 years. Married to Namrita, an Art of Living family member, Mr. Gautier was the political correspondent in India and South Asia for Le Figaro for eight years. He now works for Ouest-France, the largest circulated daily (1 million) in France and LCI, France’s 24-hour television news channel. He has written several books: Un outré Regard Sur I’ Inde” (Editions du Tricome, Geneva-Paris) which has been reprinted twice; Arise O India (Har Anand) 1999; A Western Journalist on India (Har-Anand 2001); India’s Self Denial (Editions Auroville Press, 2001); and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, A Guru of Joy (India Today Book Club,2002 ). Mr. Gautier presently writes the “French Connection” column in the Pioneer and contributes regularly to rediff.com. A resident of Auroville, Pondicherry, and an Art of Living Basic Course teacher, Mr. Gautier has been an SSCMS faculty member since 2002. Poojya Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Guruji made him the SSCMS visiting dean early this year. He teaches current affairs.
K.S. Achyuthan, student co-ordinator & visiting faculty – broadcast
Mr. K.S. Achyuthan, recently retired as director of news, Bangalore Doordarshan, was a member of the Central Information Service for nearly 30 years. A former deputy principal information officer with the Press Information Bureau, New Delhi, Achyuthan will be a visiting faculty with our revamped broadcast division. He will focus on daily radio/televsion news planning, production, reporting, writing and editing. He will assist our PGD students with news anchoring and panel hosting.
Dr. Malathi Venugopal, visiting faculty – Media & society
Dr. Malathi Venugopal, a long-term professor at the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, will teach media & society, in the context history and culture. A expert on world religion and multi-cultural societies, Dr. Venugopal has been involved with many sociological projects in several Indian states. She will focus on media, society and multi-culturalism issues.
Bharath Shirur, guest faculty & sr. AOL teacher – Major world religions & cultures
Vinod Menon, guest faculty & sr. AOL teacher – Self-improvement, the AOL way
Dinesh Kashikar, M.Tech (IIT, Bombay), guest faculty – Science & Math in the old Indian tradition
Vikram Hazara, Senior AOL Teacher
Roopa Shree, faculty – Video editing and production
Ms. Roopa Shree will focus on principles of video editing (Premiere Pro), audio recording, and other electronic news gathering/production techniques. She will guide SSCMS students understand technical things such as control track, cut to cut editing, SMPTE editing, digital video tape recording, and ENG video tape recording. She will also introduce students to the types of lighting equipment and television editing console room operation.
K.C. Narasimhaiah, visiting faculty – Television production/camera
K.C. Narasimhaiah is a local television veteran. He will teach television production and camera techniques at the SSCMS. A former head of cinematography in SJ Polytechnic, Bangalore, he has directed several documentary films in 35mm-film format and video format for the state tourism department. He has also made several documentaries for the Kannada TV Channel, Suprabatha. He was deputed to Munich, Germany, by the Karnataka government to work in a private company. A member of the Karnataka Film Directors Association and the Karnataka Cinematography Association, he will also guide students in making television news documentaries.
Joseph Madapally, visiting faculty – television news writing & news documentary production.
Mr. Joseph Madapally, a former UNI reporter and an award-winning film maker who had written story, screenplay and dialogue for 20 feature films since 1975, will help SSCMS PGD journalism students in planning and preparing mock television newscasts and news documentaries during the first term. He will also act as a resource person for students in newswriting and story treatments. A former guest lecturer (script writing) with the Madras Film Institute, run by the Tamilnadu Government, Mr. Madapally will help students in transferring story ideas into news items and documentaries.
R. Shankar, visiting faculty – Editing, graphics & newsroom management
Mr. Shankar is the resident editor of the New Indian Express, Karnataka & Kerala editions. He will teach editing, graphics, layout & design. Mr. Shankar, former New Indian Express resident editor for Andhra Pradesh, will also talk about newsroom management issues. He is a new addition to the SSCMS’s growing list of visiting faculty that include prominent local journalists and academics.
Suresh Menon, visiting faculty – Reading, writing & reporting
Former editor of the Sunday New Indian Express, Chennai, and the first editor of the Vijay Times, Bangalore, Suresh Menon is a prolific writer. Mr. Menon has worked for the Pioneer, New Delhi. One of the subjects Mr. Menon will be teaching at the SSCMS is something very close to his heart: how to read a newspaper. An editor with a sharp eye for details, Mr. Menon will help the students master the art of layout and design, and the craft of newswriting, packaging and presenting.
V. N. Narayanan, visiting faculty – Writing and editing
A former editor of the Hindustan Times, and the Tribune, Chandigarh, Mr. Narayanan is a terrific writer. He is currently editor of the Bhavan’s Journal and the principal of the Bhavan’s School in Bangalore. He will teach SSCMS students how to write and edit, and gather news. He will share his experience as a reporter, an editor, and a close confidante of several prime ministers including the late Mrs. Indira Gandhi and the late Mr. Rajeev Gandhi and several leaders from Punjab during the hey days of the Khalistan movement.
Kalyan N. Ashok, faculty – Sports journalism and entertainment writing
Mr. Ashok is the sports editor of the Hindu, Karnataka edition. A sports writer for the Hindu and its sister publication, the Sports Star, for more than 25 years, Mr. Ashok also is the Hindu’s special correspondent for sports in Karnataka. As a regular SSCMS faculty, Mr. Ashok, a former feature/entertainment writer with the Indian Express, will focus on sports/entertainment reporting and writing. Mr. Kalyan is unhappy that journalism schools don’ t give much attention to sports journalism and he is going to change all that at the SSCMS. Mr. Ashok has covered several national and international events in tennis, badminton, table tennis, cricket, basketball and aquatics. He was also a sports commentator with the Doordarshan and the All India Radio. In 1992, the Karnataka Government awarded him the ‘Dasara Award’ for excellence in sports journalism. Mr. Ashok’s motto is ‘one never stops learning, especially if he or she happens to be a journalist.’
P. T. Bopanna, visiting faculty – daily news reporting.Mr. P.T. Bopanna, Special Correspondent, The Pioneer, Bangalore, will help students master the basics involved in daily reporting for a metro city newspaper; how to develop and cultivate sources and story idea; and where to find daily news items. A Bangalore Reporter’s Guild award-winner for the best crime story and “the scoop of the year,” and a former Associated Press stringer, Mr. Bopanna has about 25 years’ experience as a news reporter.
Saloni Bharadwaj, visiting faculty – writing for radio, television, documentaries & films
Ms. Saloni Bharadwaj is a lifestyle columnist with the Vijay Times. An M.A. in Broadcast Journalism from the British University of Sheffield, Ms. Bharadwaj has been regular contributor to several publications and broadcasting outlets in India and U.K., including the Times of India, Lucknow, and the BBC Asian Network, Leicester. Mr. Bhardwaj will teach writing for radio, television, documentaries and films, and act as a writing coach and broadcast resource person for the students.
R. Udaya Shankar Puranik, faculty – New Media
Mr. Udaya Shankar Puranik is Managing Director of BI Software, Bangalore. His New Media classes will focus on the use of technology as an enabler for professional journalistic work, be it print, broadcast, or, the new media. In five modules ranging from computer graphics, text and layout to audio digitizing, video compression techniques and the World Wide Web, Mr. Puranik will give the students a thorough grounding on web and online journalism, newsgroups, bloggs, webcasts and copyright issues. He will also guide them through the SSCMS online journals datelinebangalore.com.
B. S. Chandrashekar, visiting faculty – Mass communication theory
Retired as Doordarshan research head, Mr. Chandrashekar is an expert on Indian media. An author of two books on Mass Communication, Mr. Chandrashekar will teach communication theories at the SSCMS. He has presented papers in many national and international seminars. He was also a course director at the staff training institute, New Delhi, and has taught at the Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi, the Mudra Institute of Communication, Ahmedabad, the Film Institute of India, Pune, and a number of Universities and colleges.
Dr. Ramani Natarajan, visiting faculty -English
Dr. Ramani Natarajan, who has 22 years experience in teaching and 20 years in research, is a management PhD from Karolinska Institute, Sweden, and a bio-chemistry PhD from Bangalore University. She has a Level III/Grade A1 Business English teaching certificate from the University of Cambridge where she is business English examiner. Dr. Natarajan is also a technical writer and a corporate trainer. She has been with the faculty at Wipro, CII, 24/7, SLK soft, Honeywell, Vinciti, Icelerate, IBM, CSC Indore, and ADSI. Currently she is involved with the Women’s Institute of Management & Entrepreneurship, Bangalore, where she helps women develop their talents through awareness programs and workshops. At the SSCMS, Dr. Natarajan will focus on communicative English, advanced presentation skills, inter-personal skills, emotional quotient, assertiveness, con flict resolution and other skills.
Dr. M. A. Yadugiri, visiting faculty – English
Formerly Professor of English, Bangalore University, Dr. Yadugiri has a Ph.D. in Linguistics-Stylistics from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. A teacher with more than 35 years’ experience at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, she has taught English as a Longman Fellow at the University of London. She has also researched in the area of English for Specific Purposes at the English Language Institute, University of Michigan. She has guided several Ph.D. and M. Phil candidates.
Professor Krishnamurthy Thakur, visiting faculty – Media management issues
A master in media management from the University of Stirling, Prof. Krishnamurthy has a varied experience in media and management. Consulting presently with various large companies, Prof. Thakur has spent several years in The Printers (Mysore) Ltd., Bangalore, publishers of the Deccan Herald, Bangalore.
The SSCMS has also a list of guest faculty members who are experts in their respective fields. A number of working journalists in the Bangalore area have consented to be guest faculty members during the 2005-’06 academic year. For details, please check out our web site regularly.

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